Thursday, June 29, 2017

My name is Patricia Constance I am a full time student at LBCC, I am a Teacher's Assistant at a preschool in Salem. The  major I am pursuing is Occupational Therapy, my career goals consist of; working in a clinic or hospital as an OT, helping individuals overcome physical and or mental obstacles in life, and provide them with the tools necessary to succeed and improve their quality of life.  I chose to attend LBCC because it has an amazing Occupational Therapy Assistant program, and since I want to obtain a Masters in Occupational Therapy this would be a great way to begin and set a specific career path for myself.
 I am passionate about food, traveling, and music. Although I don't possess a specific hobbie, I would love to learn how to play the viola, which is a Portuguese Instrument used in traditional Fado music. My grandfather father used to play the viola when my mother was younger, he was able to teach his eldest son who still plays the beautiful instrument til this day.

The aspect I am most interested in learning in regards to media is, how reliable is the media and how much of it is controlled by the government?
My three main sources of information are; CNN, The New York Times, and Facebook. I use these sources out of habit honestly, when I am eating my breakfast I like to be well informed and up to date on current events and quickly type in CNN, and if I want further information I look at the New York Times. I only view certain posts on facebook when I am on it, and will randomly click on trending news, such as videos on our health care crisis for example. I believe these resources are reliable to some extent, because their is always a possibility that I may be reading a biased article and I am not being well informed on the entire topic.
I am well alert on the possibility that I may come across fake news especially when it is in regards to The U.S and other countries. When I doubt my source of information, I further research the topic and utilizing  different news forms before fully believing the news and passing along the information.  

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